Mr. Tim Johnson, Instructor
Welcome to the Heavy Equipment Technology program at the WMCTC:
This course will teach shop safety, work habits, and the technical skills necessary to successfully pass the Michigan State Mechanics Certification tests in Diesel Engine Repair, Electrical, and Braking Systems. Instruction and training will focus on diesel engine repair, braking systems (air and hydraulic), electrical and electronic systems, and preventive maintenance. Exposure to suspension and steering, drive train, air conditioning, and hydraulics will also be included. The Heavy Equipment Technology program is certified by the ASE Education Foundation. This demands a very exhaustive curriculum in specific areas of certification.
Program Success Indicators:
Students who practice good attendance, a healthy work ethic, teamwork and collaboration skills and an openness to problem solving will be best suited for success at the WMISD CTC. The CTC strongly recommends that incoming juniors have a minimum of 8 earned credits from their local school.
Successful Heavy Equipment Technology students should:
Have a strong interest in the field of commercial vehicle repair
Have a strong interest in new technologies and continued training in a changing field
Be able to read for information, locate information, and draw conclusions
Possess basic math skills and a willingness to learn industry standard measurement and computation skills
Be able to receive constructive criticism
Have critical thinking skills
Be able to successfully work independently and in small groups
The Heavy Equipment Technology Field:
Increased use of heavy equipment in the agricultural, trucking, construction, and power industries has created a widespread demand for qualified heavy equipment technicians. Additionally, as the current workforce ages, technicians are retiring four times faster than new technicians are replacing them. This means there are many good paying jobs available in this field well into the foreseeable future. Since the demand is universal, the opportunities are not limited to large cities but include rural as well as urban areas. Businesses spend millions of dollars on diesel-powered equipment each year and rely on quality, well-trained technicians to keep their investment running properly.
Former students are employed at the following businesses: Cummins Sales and Service, Ellen’s Equipment, Fox Motors, Grand Traverse Diesel, Ina Store, and Michigan CAT to name a few. These businesses and many more are looking for graduates from our program with many hiring students upon graduation.
Student Organizations/Community Enrichment:
Students have the opportunity to be involved in SkillsUSA where they potentially compete at the regional, state and national level. Also, with instructor recommendation, students returning for the second year may have the opportunity for co-op employment with local repair facilities. This further enhances the student’s training experience in the Heavy Equipment field.