Home Schooling

  • Who May Home School: Homeschool education is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. The parent assigns homework, gives tests and grades these tests. The issuance of report cards, transcripts, and diplomas are the responsibility of the homeschool family (based on internal standards). If homeschooling continues through grade 12, the parent issues a high school diploma to the graduate.

  • Reporting Process: The annual registering of a homeschool to the Michigan Department of Education is voluntary. It is not required unless the student has special needs and is requesting special education services from the local public school or intermediate school district. It is recommended that if special education services will be requested, the parent first submit a completed Nonpublic School Membership Report to the Department. This form is available on Nonpublic & Home Schools. Before special education services are established, the school will contact the Department for verification that this process is complete. A list of registered home schools is provided to intermediate school district superintendents each December and February.

    It is not required that a parent inform their local school of the decision to homeschool, however, it is suggested. Failure to do so may result in the student being marked absent and involvement of the truancy officer. A notification may be a phone call or a written note to the district. Keep in mind that a written note can be placed in the student’s school record indicating when the student has withdrawn from the school district.

  • Textbooks:  Homeschool families may purchase the textbooks and instructional material of their choice. School districts are not required to provide curriculum, textbooks, and materials to homeschool families. Textbooks and curriculum materials may be purchased from a teacher bookstore. Information regarding homeschool support services and materials can be found on the internet.

  • Student Records: Parents are encouraged to maintain student records of progress throughout the year. These records will assist school personnel with placement should the student enroll in a public or nonpublic school. The granting of credits and placement of students is solely determined by the receiving school. If a student attends a homeschool and returns to a public school, the public school generally reevaluates the students for grade placement and the transfer of credit.

  • Required Testing: There are no required tests for a homeschool student. The parent is responsible for administering tests based on the curriculum they use. A homeschool student may (it is not required) participate in the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) testing and the Michigan Merit Examination (MME) at their local public school. The MEAP test and the MME are managed by the Department and are administered at no cost to a homeschool student. For further information, please contact your local public school.

  • Course of Study: Instruction must include mathematics, reading, English, science, and social studies in all grades; and the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Michigan, and the history and present form of civil government of the United States, the State of Michigan, and the political subdivisions and municipalities of the State of Michigan in grades 10 11, 12.

    Homeschool students may enroll in nonessential elective classes at their resident school district.

  • Additional Information: The Michigan Department of Educations website provides additional information on homeschooling that includes legislation and the registration form and instructions. You may access this information at Nonpublic & Home Schools. For additional information on homeschooling, please contact Wendy Allison at (517) 373-8451.