Applied Construction Technology

Welcome to the Applied Construction Technology program at the WMCTC:

In the Applied Construction Technology program students will perform most of the processes required to build a home. This will include concrete, building walls, floors and roof systems, shingling, insulating, dry-walling, siding, window and door installation, trim and cabinetry work, and ceramic tile. Students will also be involved in the mechanical systems of the home including plumbing, heating and electrical. Those entering the program will learn areas of construction consistent with the building stage of the on-going project. Students who are in the program for two years will likely have the opportunity to be exposed to all areas of residential construction.

Program Success Indicators:

Students who practice good attendance, a healthy work ethic, teamwork and collaboration skills and an openness to problem solving will be best suited for success at the WMISD CTC.  The CTC strongly recommends that incoming juniors have a minimum of 8 earned credits from their local school. 

Successful Applied Construction Technology students should:

  • Be willing to work in a loud, dusty, hot, cold, or dirty environment– work is physically demanding

  • Be able to work independently and in small teams

  • Have strong employability skills: prepared for class, follow safety rules

  • Have a good attitude, maturity level, professionalism, and interest level

  • Have a strong ambition level, be eager to learn, motivated, and productive

  • Be able to work in a trustworthy manner without direct adult supervision

The Applied Construction Technology Field:

Within in the next ten years, the construction field is going to have one of the highest job growth rates out of all industries. The workforce is aging and we need young workers to fill positions in all trades. Local contractors in the Cadillac and surrounding areas contact us repeatedly and ask to hire our students. The Applied Construction Technology program exposes students to many different career paths within the construction field.

A man wearing a blue sweatshirt smiles warmly, exuding a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Mr. Brad VanBuren

Mr. Brad VanBuren, Instructor   


Email Brad VanBuren

A man wearing a blue shirt smiles warmly at the camera, exuding a friendly and approachable demeanor.

Mr. Tom Hurlbert

Mr. Tom Hurlbert, Paraprofessional  


Email Tom Hurlbert