Curriculum & Learning

WMISD Curriculum Review Process

Wexford-Missaukee has a rich history of commitment in working together (ISD and Local Districts – Cadillac, Lake City, Manton, Marion, Mesick, McBain, & Pine River) to plan, share and enhance curriculum through a collaborative Curriculum Task Force that meets monthly.

The Cycle for Curriculum Development, shown below, provides a systematic procedure to study existing curriculum areas and programs relative to the Michigan Curriculum Framework.

  1. Disaggregate & Analyze Student Data (Illuminate)

  2. Develop an Instructional Calendar in Core Subjects (Pacing Guides)

  3. Deliver an Instructional Focus, based on the Calendar (Instructional Units)

  4. Assess Student Mastery of Standards Taught (Quarterly Assessments)

  5. Provide additional instruction for students who did not master the standards (MTSS)

  6. Provide enrichment for students who have mastered the standards (Instructional Units)

  7. Provide ongoing maintenance of standards taught (Curriculum Review & Revise)

  8. Monitor the progress by using classroom walkthroughs, learning logs, and grade level meetings (Collaborative Team Resources)