Social-Emotional Learning

An illustration depicting social and emotional learning as a foundation for developing essential life skills.

WMISD provides a variety of services to our local districts in social-emotional learning. A detailed toolkit outlining these services is coming soon!

CASEL Schoolwide implementation guide

WMISD Restorative Practices Toolkit (Alpha Build)

Reunite, Renew, Thrive – Social and Emotional Learning Roadmap for Reopening Schools

SEL Leadership Team Google Drive (Requires Access)

SEL Competencies and Indicators Guide PK-12

 A circular diagram illustrating the various components of the social and emotional learning framework.

Ways to Further SEL Implementation Based Around the CASEL School-Wide Indicators

Explicit SEL Instruction

Character Strong SEL Curriculum


Character Strong

SEL Integration with Academic Instruction

ASCD Member Book – SEL and the Brain

Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain: Strategies to Help Your Students Thrive

Youth Voice and Engagement

Supportive School and Classroom Climates

Focus on Adult SEL

Supportive Discipline

Michigan Restorative Practices Trainers and Associates

Michigan Restorative Practices Trainers & Consultants

A Continuum of Integrated Supports

Authentic Family Partnerships

SEL Toolkit – Family Engagement

SEL Family Toolkit Call to Action

Aligned Community Partnerships

Systems for Continuous Improvement


Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP)