Physical Therapists

Who We Are

The Wexford-Missaukee ISD employs a Physical Therapist (PT) and two Physical Therapist Assistants (PTA) who service our seven local districts. All PTs and PTAs are college graduates and licensed practitioners in the State of Michigan.

What We Do

All PTs and PTAs within the WMISD work with local school districts to provide direct and consult services to students who are identified as having a disability. PTs and PTAs also participate on teams addressing issues of at risk students. PTs and PTAs may service students with a disability who qualify for special education services. PTs and PTAs are members of school based problem solving teams, evaluation teams and Individualized Educational Planning (IEP) teams.

How We Do It

Physical therapy services within the educational setting assist students in accessing, participating, and progressing in the general curriculum by:

  • Addressing the student’s ability to access the environment. This may include wheelchair mobility, ambulation, transfers, balance, coordination, and ramp/stair negotiation.

  • Making accommodations / adaptations within the educational setting. This may include assessing the facility and recommending changes or additions to the environment/equipment.

  • Improving posture, physical development, and mobility as it relates to school participation. This may include the recommendation of an activity program to improve strength, influence tone, endurance, neuro-developmental skills, or range of motion.

  • Facilitating the progression of gross motor skills for school tasks including positional changes, functional skills, balance, and coordination.

  • Consulting with resources involved in the student’s education including parents, teachers, other school professionals and outside agencies.