School Psychologists
Who We Are
School Psychologists are leaders among school district evaluation teams that identify, evaluate, and recommend eligibility for special education. School psychologists differ from clinical psychologists in that school psychologists specialize in addressing issues within the educational context, while clinical psychologists have a broader focus on mental health.
To be a School Psychologist it is necessary to possess Michigan certification. School Psychologists are trained in both psychology and education. They must complete a minimum of a post-master’s degree program that includes a year-long internship and emphasized preparation in mental health, child development, school organization, learning styles and processes, behavior, motivation, and effective teaching.
What We Do
School Psychologists at the WMISD work collaboratively with students, parents, teachers and other professionals to help children and youth succeed academically, socially and emotionally. Additionally, School Psychologists are adept at educational diagnostics, educational planning, transition planning, behavioral treatment, and progress monitoring. School Psychologists have training and experience with students having a variety of disabilities including, but not limited to, cognitive impairment, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorders, emotional impairments, health impairments, and traumatic brain injury.
How We Do It
School Psychologist assist local school districts in the following ways:
Consult and collaborate with educators, parents, children, and other professionals or agencies to find effective solutions to learning and behavior problems.
Administer assessments to determine academic skills, learning aptitude, learning style, adaptive skills, functional performance, and social-emotional development.
Develop, analyze, and evaluate individual, group or system level interventions designed to improve or resolve the identified problems or concerns. These may include academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs as they relate to educational progress.
Provide support, guidance, technical assistance, and ongoing monitoring of progress toward measurable, identified goals for students at individual, group, or systems level.
Participate in interdisciplinary staffings and decisions to determine the eligibility, appropriate planning, and re-evaluation for students who require special education programs and services.
Participate in the development of appropriate, scientifically sound, and least restrictive educational interventions.