Speech & Language Pathologists

Who We Are

The Wexford-Missaukee ISD Speech & Language Pathologists, also known as Speech Therapists, service our seven local school districts as well as ISD center-based programs. All Speech & Language Pathologists hold a Master’s Degree from an accredited university. Speech & Language Pathologists are either certified Teachers of the Speech and Language Impaired and/or accredited through the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association with a Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP).

What We Do

All Speech & Language Pathologists (SLPs) within the WMISD work with local school districts to provide direct and consult services to students who are identified as having a disability. SLPs also participate on teams addressing issues of at risk-students. SLPs may service students identified as having speech-language impairments, learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, hearing impairments, emotional impairments, autism spectrum disorders, or other health impairments. SLPs are members of school-based problem solving teams, evaluation teams and Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams.

How We Do It

Speech & Language Pathologists assist local school districts with their overall Multi-tiered Systems of Support by providing technical support with the administration of screening assessments and development of intervention plans for at-risk speech and language learners. Speech & Language Pathologists are members of diagnostic teams that assess students for the presence of an articulation, language, fluency, or voice disability. If a student is found eligible for special education and in needs of specially designed instruction in speech and/or language, Speech Language Therapists may carry-out direct therapy intervention and/or consultation with teachers and parents, as determined by the IEP Team.