CTC Administration & Support

From the Desk of Gretchen Spedowske, Assistant Superintendent of CTE:

A woman with blonde hair wearing a blue shirt, smiling and standing against a neutral background.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) has deep historical roots in the founding of the United States, reflecting an early recognition of the importance of equipping citizens with practical knowledge and skills. This commitment to hands-on, technical learning remains vital today, especially as our global economy demands a skilled workforce to maintain national competitiveness.

In Michigan, the professional trades sector is facing a significant shortage, exacerbated by the retirement of many “baby boomers.” There is an increasing need for individuals with the expertise to fill high-wage, high-skill positions.

CTE is a key solution to this talent gap. At the Wexford-Missaukee Career Technical Center, we offer 14 programs designed to prepare students for careers in high-demand fields such as Manufacturing, Health Science, Welding, Construction, Computers and Electronics, and Heavy Equipment Mechanics, among others.

Moreover, CTE can serve as a gateway to careers and/or future education. Whether students choose to go into the workforce or join the military, attend community college, enroll in trade school, pursue a university degree, or participate in our Early College Programs, CTE provides a solid foundation for continued academic and professional growth.

I invite you to stop by the Wexford-Missaukee Career Technical Center anytime to see firsthand why “CTC is the Place to Be!”

Best regards,

Gretchen Spedowske, Assistant Superintendent of CTE

From the Desk of Jason Traviss, CTC Principal:

A man wearing a blue shirt and a green tie smiles warmly at the camera, exuding a friendly demeanor.

We live in a consistently evolving educational climate where change seems to be the only constant.  The one aspect that remains stable and at the center of our focus is the student. At the Wexford Missaukee Career Tech Center, our students are what drive everything we do as a staff.

Our programs offer students several opportunities.  These include hands-on learning in a workplace lab setting as well as field trips out into the community and professional world.  We focus on both individual and cooperative skill-building. Many students explore job shadowing and co-op opportunities that further equip them with the tools and experience they need to be successful in either the workforce or college or both.  Together, we aspire to help all students become “career and college ready.”

Our talented teachers and support staff work tirelessly to engage every learner in, not only specific content or trade education, but in all areas that make each individual a meaningful contributor to our society.  Skills such as collaboration, determination and goal development/ accomplishment are practiced and reinforced daily in the classroom. This focused balance is what makes CTC the place to be!

I have the good fortune of working with these inspiring educators and students every day and invite you to visit us here at the WMISD CTC.


Jason Traviss, CTC Principal