Automotive Technology

Welcome to the Automotive Technology program at the WMCTC:

This course will teach shop safety, work habits, and the technical skills necessary to successfully pass some certification areas. There are 8 total areas of repair that students will learn over a 2-year period.  Following the MLR (Maintenance & Light Repair) model with a heavy emphasis on electrical, which is taught at the master level.  The program is certified by the ASE Education Foundation to be a technician in the state of Michigan.

Program Success Indicators:

Students who practice good attendance, a healthy work ethic, teamwork and collaboration skills and an openness to problem solving will be best suited for success at the WMISD CTC.  The CTC strongly recommends that incoming juniors have a minimum of 8 earned credits from their local school. 

Successful Automotive Technology students should:

  • Have good employability skills: Willingness to work, ready to learn, pride in work

  • Have good organizational skills, including self and time management

  • Have a good foundation of basic reading skills along with written and verbal communication skills

  • Possess basic math skills and a willingness to learn industry standard measurement and computation skills

  • Have a positive attitude, ability to present self in a professional manner

  • Be able to follow directions, stay on task and work within a group, or independently

  • Be trustworthy and willing to accept responsibility for own actions

  • Accept constructive criticism in a mature manner

  • Possess critical thinking skills, an attention to detail, and be safety oriented

The Automotive Technology Field:

As automobiles have become increasingly more technical, the automotive field has become more complicated and demanding. The Automotive Service program is certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). This demands a very exhaustive curriculum in specific areas of certification. To be a mechanic in the state of Michigan, a person must take tests, which will show their expertise and allow them to be licensed.

Mr. Brad Sikkema, Instructor   


Email Brad Sikkema