Agriscience and Natural Resources

Welcome to the Agriscience and Natural Resources program at the WMCTC:

Included in the instruction of this program will be tree and plant identification, the operation of heavy equipment, forest management, aquaculture, floriculture, greenhouse operation, landscape management, and fisheries and wildlife management.  Select topics in animal science will also be included.

Program Success Indicators:

Students who practice good attendance, a healthy work ethic, teamwork and collaboration skills and an openness to problem solving will be best suited for success at the WMISD CTC.  The CTC strongly recommends that incoming juniors have a minimum of 8 earned credits from their local school. 

Successful Agriscience and Natural Resources students should:

  • Have an interest in natural resources and outdoor skills

  • Have a basic understanding of life sciences

  • Enjoy working with their hands and are not afraid to get dirty

  • Be able to follow instructions for safe operation of a variety of tools and equipment

  • Have a willingness to complete some academic requirements outside of class

  • Have a willingness to participate in leadership activities through the National FFA Organization

  • Be comfortable learning and working in a classroom, greenhouse, or outdoor setting

The Agriscience and Natural Resources Field:

The field of agriculture and natural resources is broad and currently employs approximately one million workers in the state of Michigan alone.  Careers include Forest Management, Soil Science, Fish and Wildlife Management, Animal Agriculture, and many more.  Graduates of the program are currently employed in the golf course industry, livestock nutrition, DNR park division, and the USDA Forest Service.  Students will also learn principles of safe operation of equipment and participate in the National FFA Organization.  Program completers may also be eligible for six college credits at Michigan State University.

Student Organizations/Community Enrichment:

This program is affiliated with the National FFA Organization. The FFA Organization provides a well-rounded, practical approach to learning through classroom education, hands-on in agricultural topics such as plant and animal sciences, horticulture, forestry, and many more. Students involved in the FFA Organization will further their skills in public speaking, how to conduct and participate in meetings, manage finances, strengthen problem-solving abilities and assume civic responsibility. Students will also have opportunities for community service projects and may also compete in areas of expertise at the regional, state and national levels.

Mark Johnson

Mr. Mark Johnson

Kristen Sikkema

Mrs. Kristen Sikkema

Rebecca West

Ms. Rebecca West

Mr. Mark Johnson, Instructor (231-876-2239) Email Mark Johnson

Mrs. Kristen Sikkema, Paraprofessional (231-876-2350) Email Kristen Sikkema

Ms. Rebecca West, Paraprofessional (231-876-2242) Email Rebecca West