Business Management Administration

Welcome to the Business Management Administration program at the WMCTC:

Students in the Business Management Administration (BMA) program receive a broad-based overview of many contemporary business practices.  Accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, graphic design, human resources, Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) applications, and different aspects of business office equipment are explored in BMA.

Program Success Indicators:

Students who practice good attendance, a healthy work ethic, teamwork and collaboration skills and an openness to problem solving will be best suited for success at the WMISD CTC.  The CTC strongly recommends that incoming juniors have a minimum of 8 earned credits from their local school. 

Successful Business Management Administration students should:

  • Have an interest in gaining experience in business-related fields and graphic design software

  • Be computer and internet literate, have a basic understanding of windows-based operating system, and enjoy working with computers 

  • Have an ability to organize and maintain files, apply technology to specific tasks, and use computers to process information 

  • Enjoy hands-on, project based work as well as working on computers 

  • Have an ability to read and follow directions, both written and verbal, and ask questions to clarify

  • Pay attention to details, locate and fix errors, and proofread own work for accuracy 

  • Be able to work independently as well as collaboratively in a group setting 

  • Demonstrate strong communication skills in both written and verbal work, including while presenting to a group

The Business Management Administration Field:

Business, Management, and Administration careers encompass planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.  Business Management Administration (BMA) career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy.  The knowledge and skills that you can gain and that you will use in the BMA career field include:  academic foundations, business communications, etiquette, and professionalism, problem solving and critical thinking, information technology applications, leadership and teamwork, ethics and legal responsibilities, employability and career development, and technical skills working with a variety of marketable computer applications.

You Might Enjoy This Class If You:

Like professional environments; are self-motivated and a self-starter; can multi-task and organize priorities; are detail-oriented and accurate; enjoy communication with others; have good reading skills; like problem-solving; and are a critical thinker.

Jobs You Can Prepare For:

Accounting Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Customer Service Representative, Data Entry, Executive Assistant, Graphic Design Artist, Human Resource Assistant, Office Manager, and Small Business Owner

Student Organizations/Community Enrichment:

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. We help each student excel. SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. We improve the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of SkillsUSA Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. Our vision is to produce the most highly skilled workforce in the world, providing every member the opportunity for career success. A nonprofit national education association, SkillsUSA serves middle-school, high-school and college/ postsecondary students preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service (including health) occupations. 

Early College Opportunity:

This program offers your student the opportunity to enroll in the Wexford-Missaukee Early College (WMEC).  The WMEC is a public, tuition-free, 3-year program serving students who attend public school districts within the Wexford-Missaukee ISD or partner high schools.  Students participate in an integrated sequence of high school and college courses during grades 11-13 while attending the Wexford-Missaukee Career Technical Center.  There is no out of pocket cost to students and their families for tuition, books, and fees during the 3-year program.  Students can earn up to an Associate’s Degree or Certificate in the outline pathways.  Please see the Early College website for more information.

A woman wearing a green jacket over a floral shirt, standing confidently with a pleasant expression.

Ms. Carrie Duffy, Instructor


Email Carrie Duffy

A woman with long blonde hair is wearing a blue and white striped shirt, standing against a neutral background.

Mrs. Stephanie McCurry, Paraprofessional


Email Stephanie McCurry