Hospitality, Retailing, and Entrepreneurship

Welcome to the Hospitality, Retailing and Entrepreneurship program at the WMCTC:

Students in this program learn aspects of owning and operating their own business such as Management, Marketing, Customer Service and Project Management as well as Culinary Arts.  Skills aquired in HRE include: sales, inventory, purchasing, merchandise display, business start-up, management, promotion, point-of-sale system operation, food preparation, dining room service, banquet service, sanitation, safety, food storage, portion control, bookkeeping, and customer service.

The Hospitality, Retailing and Entrepreneurship Field:

Throughout the world, more people are employed in the hospitality and marketing fields than in any other area. There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs available worldwide and continued growth is expected. There is work available in a wide range of related areas. Many of the jobs offer fast promotions and unlimited earnings.

Student Organizations/Community Enrichment:

DECA is a business-marketing club that strives to educate its members about business and marketing strategies and decisions. Students involved in DECA have the opportunity to compete at the regional, state and national levels.

SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers, high school students, and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. Students involved in SkillsUSA have the opportunity to compete at the regional, state and national levels.

Early College Opportunity:

This program offers your student the opportunity to enroll in the Wexford-Missaukee Early College (WMEC).  The WMEC is a public, tuition-free, 3-year program serving students who attend public school districts within the Wexford-Missaukee ISD or partner high schools.  Students participate in an integrated sequence of high school and college courses during grades 11-13 while attending the Wexford-Missaukee Career Technical Center.  There is no out of pocket cost to students and their families for tuition, books, and fees during the 3-year program.  Students can earn up to an Associate’s Degree or Certificate in the outline pathways.  Please see the Early College website for more information.

Mr. Trevor Bethke

Mrs. Sarah McKeever

Mrs. Tammy Kelley

Mrs. Chanhom Sikkema

Mr. Trevor Bethke, HRE Culinary Instructor   (231-876-2230) Email Trevor Bethke

Mrs. Sarah McKeever, Instructor   (231-876-2231) Email Sarah McKeever

Mrs. Chanhom Sikkema, Paraprofessional   (231-876-2230) Email Chanhom Sikkema

Mrs. Tammy Kelley, Store Manager   (231-876-2232) Email Tammy Kelley